基于模糊评判法的城市轨道交通瓷绝缘子 剩余寿命评估方法


Evaluation Method for Urban Rail Transit Porcelain Insulator Residual Life Based on Fuzzy Evaluation

ZHANG Xianyu
The porcelain insulators of an urban rail transit OCS (overhead catenary system) have been in service for almost 40 years, and are showing upward trend of failure rate. The urban rail transit operation and maintenance department has put forward a demand of evaluating the porcelain insulator residual life and developing maintenance strategy. According to the insulator samples of different service years and evaluation requirements of this urban rail transit line, an aging lifespan test plan for insulator surface degradation, electrical and mechanical performance is developed, and then the test data are analyzed using fuzzy evaluation method. Residual life evaluation results of the urban rail transit OCS porcelain insulators are obtained: mechanical performance, surface degradation and electrical performance affect the porcelain insulator residual life by weight sequence; the residual life evaluation method which is based on test and fuzzy evaluation method can evaluate it for porcelain insulator properly; mechanical performance is the core performance index that affects porcelain insulator operation, and to carry out mechanical performance test on aging porcelain insulators at fixed period and then determine whether replacement is needed accordingly.