Research on Technical Scheme of Crossline Interoperation Signaling System
SHEN ZhanghongLI MingganLIU XiaoyangHAO PenggangHOU Yanjun
作者信息:北京市市政工程设计研究总院有限公司, 100082, 北京
Affiliation:Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., 100082, Beijing, China
Key words:
Objective: With the development of urbanization in China, urban rail transit becomes an important transportation means, gradually demonstrating a trend of multinetwork integration and networking development. In the context of ′fournetwork integration′, there is the demand for crossline interoperability. To address its technical barriers, it is necessary to analyze and study compatibility solution schemes among different formats of signaling systems.Method: The main functions of CBTC (communicationbased train control) system and CTCS (China train control system) are introduced, and the difference between these two signaling systems is comparatively analyzed. The overall architecture of the dual onboard equipment scheme is presented, as well as the operational procedures for manual driving conversion scheme and autopassing neutral zone scheme. It is pointed out that there are no technical barriers to achieve crossline operation between CBTC and CTCS from the technical perspective, however the key factor for achieving ′fournetwork integration′ lies in the establishment of management systems and certification modes. Result & Conclusion: Two solutions of dual ground equipment and dual onboard equipment are proposed for CBTC and CTCS compatibility, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed in detail. The study on dual onboard equipment solution is carried out, providing an elaborate explanation of the business process and supporting plans for manualpassing neutral zone and autopassing neutral zone. The advantages and urgent problems faced by the dual onboard equipment scheme are thoroughly examined.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
- 下一篇: 5G公专网支撑城市轨道交通“绿智融合”发展