Operation Mode of Urban Rail Transit Train with Flexible Formation
ZHANG QinggangZHANG ShichenLIU HongyuMA Liping
作者信息:1.中车唐山机车车辆有限公司, 063035, 唐山
2.河北机车技师学院, 063035, 唐山
Affiliation:CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd., 063035, Tangshan, China
Key words:
目的:为解决目前城市轨道交通客流不均衡造成运营成本高的现状,提出了一种能够灵活编组的城市轨道交通列车运行模式。方法:通过对现有城市轨道交通现状的调研分析,分析现有车辆配置和扩大运量的方案和缺点,提出了相应解决方案。灵活编组是解决现状的有效办法,即高峰期采用大编组高频次、平常时段期采用小编组高频次,低客流量线路采用小编组;根据不同时段客流需求,大小编组混跑。灵活编组车辆推荐以2辆或3辆为基本编组,选择2+2重联或3+3重联。灵活编组类型分为场段内进行编组和正线车站进行编组2种。灵活编组的实现方式包括后车以低于3 km/h的速度撞击前车进行连挂和后车停在距前车300 mm处通过车钩伸缩进行连挂2种类型。结果及结论:该研究发现,如果要实现城市轨道交通车辆的灵活编组,还有待解决一些难题。例如:可伸缩车钩的精准伸缩连挂设计,该设计可以满足车辆在300 mm距离停靠后,2个头车车钩各自可自动伸出150 mm以完成连挂;信号系统如何对车辆进行精准控制而不发生意外碰撞等。
Objective: In view of the current situation of unbalanced passenger flow and high operation cost of urban rail transit, a scheme of urban rail transit train flexible formation and operation is proposed. Method: Based on the investigation and analysis of urban rail transit current situation, the schemes and shortcomings of the existing vehicle configuration and traffic volume expansion are analyzed, and corresponding solutions are put forward. Flexible formation is an effective way to deal with the current situation, meaning to adopt largeformation highfrequency in peak hours and smallformation highfrequency in normal hours, and smallformation for low passenger volume lines. According to the demands of passenger flow in different hours, large and small formation are mixed. Flexible formation vehicles are recommended to use 2car or 3car as the basic formation and to choose 2+2 or 3+3 doubleheadings. Flexible formation is divided in two types: formation in depot and formation at main line station. Flexible formation is implemented through two types of coupling: the rear vehicle colliding with the front vehicle at a speed of less than 3 km/h to couple, and the rear vehicle stopping at a distance of 300 mm from the front vehicle to couple through telescopic couplers. Result & Conclusion: It is found that there are still some problems to be solved for realizing urban rail transit vehicle flexible formation, for example, the precise telescopic coupling design of telescopic couplers can meet the requirements that after the vehicles are parked at an interval distance of 300 mm, the two head couplers can automatically extend 150 mm respectively to complete the coupling; how can signaling system control the vehicle accurately without accidental collision.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
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