

Analyses of Anti-slip Control Fault in Metro Braking System

CUI HushanCHEN LeiLIU ZhonghuaLIU ZhengXU HongmeiXIE Chunjie
In general, the anti-slip control in the metro brake system has two kinds of control mode, including the pneumatic brake sliding and the electric brake sliding. The completion of anti-slip adjustment needs the cooperation of both control modes. Generally, the adjustment of electric brake sliding is going ahead of that of the pneumatic brake sliding, if any fault happens in the anti-slip control, the direct result will be the longer braking distance, resulting in the worst wheel sliding flat. Therefore, the triggering mode and cooperation mode of both are optimized, the results show that this method has improved the running and safety of metro vehicle.
引文 / Ref:
CUI Hushan,CHEN Lei,LIU Zhonghua,et al.Analyses of Anti-slip Control Fault in Metro Braking System[J].Urban mass transit,2019,22(4):15.