
王青权1赵鹏宇1陈 刚2任 悦3

Static Strength Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Rail Vehicle Car-body

WANG QingquanZHAO PengyuCHEN GangREN Yue
Taking the aluminum alloy rail vehicle as the research object,the static strength characteristics of the car body are studied. The advantages and disadvantages of aluminum alloy materials applied to rail vehicle are summarized,the structure and main technical parameters of aluminum alloy car-body are analyzed. Then,by establishing a simulation model,the typical working conditions are determined to analyze the static strength of the car-body. The stress distribution of the car-body under different working conditions is obtained through simulation analysis,the stress and safety factors of the car-body key parts are verified by experiments. On this basis, the static strength characteristics of the aluminum alloy car body are analyzed. The simulation and experiment results show that the overall safety factors of the car-body are quite high,and the stress concentrations in the corner areas of the door and window are obvious. Therefore the design should focus on the lightweight and local strength concentration zones.
引文 / Ref:
王青权,赵鹏宇,陈 刚,等.轨道交通车辆铝合金车体静强度特性分析[J].城市轨道交通研究,2020,23(4):47.
WANG Qingquan,ZHAO Pengyu,CHEN Gang,et al.Static Strength Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Rail Vehicle Car-body[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(4):47.