

Influence of Sidewall Windows on EMU Aluminum Alloy Car Body Modal

YU QingbinSHAO QingHE Lingli
Taking the structural modal analysis of EMU aluminum alloy car body as the entry point, the influence of structural parameters of sidewall window on car body modal is mainly studied. Looked at the window structure of a certain type of EMU, a finite element model of the aluminum alloy car body is established. Then, the Lanczos method is used to obtain the first 6 modal frequencies of vehicle body. Through a comparative analysis of the weight and the modal of car body, window design methods for improving the car body modal are put forward.
引文 / Ref:
于庆斌, 邵晴, 何玲利. 侧墙窗户对动车组铝合金车体模态的影响. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(2): 68.
YU Qingbin, SHAO Qing, HE Lingli. Influence of sidewall windows on EMU aluminum alloy car body moda.l. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(2): 68.