Analysis of Detection Technology Patent for Highspeed EMU Cable Fault
WANG LeiKONG YushuMA HongyuZHANG HengLUO Tianyuan
作者信息:中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司高速动车组制造中心, 130062, 长春
Affiliation:High-speed EMU Manufacturing Center, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., 130062, Changchun, China
Key words:
The operation of high-speed EMU completely depends on the circuit control. How to quickly and easily detect the cable fault points is one of the important means to reduce the vehicle safety hazards. In this paper, through searching patents of cable fault detection technology in different fields, technical hot spots and blank points suitable for the cable fault detection of high-speed EMU are analyzed, aiming to promote the development and innovation of cable fault detection technology for high-speed EMU.
引文 / Ref:
王雷. 孔羽姝, 马宏宇, 等. 高速动车组电缆故障检测技术专利分析. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(2): 113.
WANG Lei, KONG Yushu, MA Hongyu, et al. Analysis of detection technology patent for High-speed EMU Cable Fault. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(2): 113.
WANG Lei, KONG Yushu, MA Hongyu, et al. Analysis of detection technology patent for High-speed EMU Cable Fault. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(2): 113.
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