

Analysis and Reflection of Some Key Issues on the Planning and Design of Urban (Suburban) Railways

WANG Shizhong
The construction of urban (suburban) railways are faced with problems such as ambiguous function positioning, high construction costs and low passenger flow efficiency. Based on the analysis of practical experience and relevant cases, the key issues of planning and design of urban railway projects are summarized to be project function positioning, line network and line planning, system standard and technical service system standard, line laying method, transportation organization and management, stationcity integration and traffic connection, and management system mechanism, etc. The key issues of planning and design are analyzed and reflected upon, and relevant suggestions are put forward.
引文 / Ref:
汪时中. 市域(郊)铁路规划设计若干关键问题的分析与思考. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(4): 10.
WANG Shizhong. Analysis and reflection of some key issues on the planning and design of urban (suburban) railways. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(4): 10.