Rapid Detection Technology of Metro Tunnel Convergence Deformation Based on Laser Scanning
LIU Xin′genXU MinjuanXING Zhixin
作者信息:1.1. 上海同岩土木工程科技股份有限公司, 200092,上海;
2.2. 上海地下基础设施安全检测与养护装备工程技术研究中心,200092,上海;
3.3. 昆明地铁运营有限公司, 650011,昆明
Affiliation:Shanghai Tongyan Civil Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., 200092, Shanghai, China
Key words:
基于移动式激光断面扫描技术,提出距离最小二乘法多次迭代噪点剔除,以及编码器+图像特征高精度组合里程定位修正方法。通过车体倾角动态测量修正补偿系统,实现对隧道结构区段或管片环收敛变形快速、非接触和数字化的高精度检测。研制了移动式地铁隧道结构变形检测车,并开发了配套数据采集和数据处理软件,可自动进行数据分析。研究结果表明:当检测车检测速度为5 km/h时,采集精度为±2 mm,里程定位精度为厘米级,检测系统具有良好的稳定性和重现性,可满足隧道变形检测普查要求。
Based on mobile laser sectionscanning technology, a distance leastsquare method for multiple iteration to eliminate noise and a correction method which combines encoder and highprecision image features for mileage position is proposed. Through vehicle body angle dynamic measurement correction compensation system, rapid, noncontact and digital high precision detection of tunnel structure section or segment ring convergence deformation is realized. A mobile metro tunnel structure deformation detection vehicle is developed with data acquisition and processing software, which can automatically conduct data analysis. The research results indicate that when the detection vehicle is developed with data acquisition and processing software, which can automatically conduct data analysis. The results of project tests and practical application indicate that when the detection vehicle has speed of 5 km/h, and precision of ±2 mm, the mileage positioning precision is at centimeter level. The detection system has good stability and reproducibility which can meet the requirement of tunnel deformation detection.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
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