CTCS制式下短编组列车自动折返 快速停车方案研究


Quick Stop Scheme of Short Marshalling Train Automatic Turn-back under CTCS System

FU MengLIN QiangYANG LiHAN Yongqiang
At present, EMU (electric multiple unit) trains have 4-car formation, 8-car formation, 16-car and other marshalling forms. When a short marshalling train enters the turn-back line for after station automatic turn-back operation, the train must stop as quickly as possible, and the train tail should be as close to the turn-back signal as possible in order to shorten the turn-back time. Based on CTCS (China train control system), six optimization schemes are proposed and simulated for the original design scheme from the trackside signal equipment layout and the signal system modification. Through a comparative analysis of the simulation results, the scheme to add separation signals in the middle of the turn-back line is recommended.